Dr. Konrad Kaufmann

Publications and manuscripts
K. Kaufmann. 2008. What I found. Poster, Vienna. | |
K. Kaufmann. 2007. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Paradoxon (EPR) revisited. Typescript of a lecture at the Niels Bohr Institute on June 28, 2007. | |
K. Kaufmann. 2004 The well-tempered biological physics. Göteborg writings. | |
K. Kaufmann. 2002. The Karolinska Documents. Collection of writings from K. Kaufmann. | |
K. Kaufmann. 1989. BOOK 5: On the role of the phospholipid membrane in free energy coupling. Caruaru, Brazil. | |
K. Kaufmann. 1989. BOOK 4: Action Potentials and Electrochemical Coupling in the Macroscopic Chiral Phospholipid Membrane. Caruaru, Brazil. | |
K. Kaufmann, W. Hanke, and A. Corcia. 1989. BOOK 3: Ion channel fluctuations in pure lipid bilayer membranes: Control by voltage. Caruaru, Brazil. | |
K. Kaufmann. 1989. BOOK 2: Protonenkontrolle des Ionentransports durch biologische Membranen. Caruaru, Brazil. | |
K. Kaufmann. 1989. BOOK 1: Acetylcholinesterase. Caruaru, Brazil. | |
K. Kaufmann. 1985. Protonic control of ion transport through biological membranes. A mechanism for acetylcholine-induced ion channels. Funct. Biol. Med. 4:215-222. | |
K. Kaufmann. 1985. Chemiosmotic mechanism of acetylcholine-induced ion-transport. Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 366:137-138. | |
K. Kaufmann. 1985. Lipid mechanism and acetylcholinesterase function. In: Molecular basis of nerve activity. J.-P. Changeux, F. Hucho, A. Mälicke, and E. Neumann, editors. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 765-778. | |
K. Kaufmann and I. Silman. 1983. The induction by protons of ion channels through lipid bilayer membranes. Biophysical Chemistry 18: 89-99. | |
K. Kaufmann and I. Silman. 1983. Proton induced ion channels through lipid bilayer membranes. Naturwissenschaften 70: 147-149. | |
K. Kaufmann and I. Silman. 1980. The induction of ion channels through excitable membranes by acetylcholine. Naturwissenschaften 67: 608-610. | |
K. Kaufmann. 1977. Fast kinetics of acetylcholine at synaptic membranes. Int. J. Quant. Chem. Suppl. 2: 169-178 | |
W. L. C. Vaz, K. Kaufmann and A. Nicksch. 1977. Use of energy-transfer to assay association of proteins with lipid-membranes. Analyt. Biochem. 83: 385-393. | |
K. Kaufmann. 1977. On the kinetics of acetyl choline at the synapse. Naturwissenschaften 64: 371-376. | |
G. Marowsky and K. Kaufmann. 1976. Order transition at threshold for self-excited laser-pulses. Appl. Phys. 11: 47-53. | |
G. Marowsky and K. Kaufmann. 1976. Influence of spatial hole burnng on output power of a CW dye ring laser. IEEE J. Quant. Electr. 3: 207-209. |